Sunday 15 June 2014

Liebster Award - Take II

You all might remember that I was nominated last week for a Liebster Award by friend and fellow blogger Lisa Thomson.  I'm happy to announce that I've been nominated again this week by one of my new discoveries - Jane from Survive, Live, Thrive.

Like me, Jane left an abusive marriage with her two lovely daughters - and is in recovery stage - blogging anonymously partly as "therapy" to celebrate the good days and examine and hopefully get over the bad ones.

I'm not going to go through the rules of the Liebster again - but I've posted 11 Random Facts and answered all of Jane's questions below.

For this week - 11 Random Facts About Me

1)  In addition to last week's revalation about my recurring dream about my grandmother, I also have a recurring dream that I drop everything and go to the airport, sans baggage, and book a flight to Paris.  Usually with my best friend.  Always to see a museum I heard about there once, but I've never seen or been to - and truthfully I'm not even sure it actually exists or the person who told me about it, told me about it in a dream.  I always get to Paris, book into a hotel last minute and head right out to the museum.  I see a part of the museum, and then I wake up.  Every time.

2)  My favourite popsicle flavour is grape. 

3)  My nephew is climbing Mount Everest some time in the next two months.  Not to the top - but somewhere past the base camp.  I'm excited for him.  He's doing it with his significant other - who I just LOVE, and hope that she soon becomes a member of our family.  

4)  I just got an infuser.  We generally get the kids off the shelf juice - but given the amount of sugar and dyes in it (natural or not), I've been thinking that trying to get them to drink more water (even if it's infused with fruit taste) is much better.  So this summer begins our experiment.  I'll let you know how it's doing.

5)  I got a call from my lawyer last week.  My accident claim is this close to being settled.  Which is a load off my mind - and will make it a lot easier to handle the summer (financially), will allow us to pay off some debts and still have some left over for investments - and possibly take a little trip with the family overseas.

6)  Just an update - Apollo is still alive.  He's significantly slower, and I'm fairly certain he's not going to make it through the summer - but he still smiles and seems to enjoy his walks, and isn't in a significant amount of pain.  We're ready for it though.  And we'll miss him terribly when the time comes.

7)  My husband was born in Quebec, Canada.  It's part of the reason I have a soft spot for Canadians.

8)  I suffer with terrible seasonal allergies.  Yes.  Suffer.

9)  Today is Father's Day.  Not my husband's first (as he considers my two children to be his own), but it is Bae's first.  It is also my Father-in-Law's birthday, my aunt's birthday, my best friend's mother's birthday and my cousin's anniversary.  And my aunt and my best friend's mother were born on exactly the same day.  I think June 15th must be an astrologically significant date for me.  Not that I believe in all that mumbo jumbo.

10)  I am pushing 40 - and still have very few grey hairs.  After each of my children were born, I cut off more than 10 inches of my hair and donated it to a local charity to be made into a wig for cancer.

11)  This fall we will be participating in a colour run for charity.  I have participated in charity events before - but this is my first significant one since the accident.  While it's called a "run", I'm not actually able to run - but I've been assured that walking the 5K is acceptable (it's all more about the fun of the colours and raising money for charity).  I'm really looking forward to it.  

My Answers to Jane's Questions

1)  Who is your favorite character in a book or a movie?
I must admit - this is a very difficult one for me - I finished the other ten questions and came back to it, and I'm still having trouble picking just one.  There are so many books and movies out there that I've enjoyed reading, living, experiencing.  I guess if I had to pick just one, Anne Boleyn.  I am fascinated by King Henry VIII.  I've read several books and watched several movies and documentaries.  And I think that Anne was a very interesting character.  Don't get me wrong - I would  never want to be her.  But I think her place in history was a significant one.  I am also possibly attracted to the story because I totally get what it's like to marry a man who has significant mental health problems and feel like you're trapped.  And truly, sadly, she really was.
2)  Why did you launch your blog?
I hoped (and still hope) that my experiences can help someone else.  
3)  If you could wave a magic wand and change something about your life, what would it be?
Not a thing.  Despite all my struggles with the Goblin King, I wouldn't have gotten to be who I am today without him.  Although - now that you mention it - I'm there now, so I really don't need him any more.  If there's a Piano Plane out there...let's just say it wouldn't take me too long to get over it.
4)  If you could change one decision in the past, what would it be and why?
See above.  Not a thing.  If I changed even one thing (Butterfly Effect), I might not be who I am today with the people I'm with today.  I love me.  I love my family.  And I am stronger and better for having lived through it.
5)  Who do you admire and respect the most in the world?
My husband.  He is so smart and he treats me not like a queen - but like his equal - which I treasure so much more.  He has taught me that I should not worry so much about the length of time we have together (as we met later in life), but more about the depth and width of it.
6)  What is your biggest dream?
I love writing.  I would love to be better at it.  And I'm striving to learn more every day.
7)  If you were stuck on an island and could only bring three things with you--what would they be?
Ummmm...a boat filled with gas and food?
8)  What is your ideal vacation? 
The place doesn't really matter - to have several weeks with my whole family (kids and hubby and dogs) together is fantastic.
9)  What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
Ha.   You knew I haven't grown up yet.   
I don't know yet.  It changes every day.  That's the value of not being grown up.  You can want to be a ballerina one day and a fire fighter the next.  Tomorrow, I'd like to be a student again.  I'd love to go back to school to help me to figure out what I want to be the next day.  And lately I've been thinking about a job change (after I go back to work).  Possibly somewhere closer with more money and fewer hours.  Or even less money as long as it was fewer hours.  We'll see.
10)  What advice would you give your teenage self?
Answered a similar question in my last Liebster.  Same answer.  Don't change the future.  Live it.  Become me.  Because this is awesome.
11)  You've just been arrested for protesting, what was it for?
I was an innocent bystander.  Just happened to be standing next to the guy who threw something threw a window.  I may be part of a protest - but I would never, ever do something unlawful to further my agenda.  I'd rather further my agenda through my writing - be it in my blog or by writing letters or editorials to convince the powers that be that something is wrong or call people's attention to righting a wrong.
And that's it for my Liebster this week.  Thank you Jane for nominating me!

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